The projects and construction works carried out by our company have the mission to satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers, offering products and services under the strictest quality policies.
The projects carried out by our company have the mission to satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers, offering services under the strictest quality policies.
We are attending to the needs of the market and as part of a process of continuous modernization of our customers. Today we are part of the latest generation team. The new Fuel Transfer System will allow trailers to transfer up to 1,200 liters per minute (LPM), through 100% safe operations, thus increasing the competitiveness, safety and sustainability of their facilities.
The electromechanical projects and works carried out by our company have the mission of widely satisfying the needs of our customers, offering services under the strictest quality policies.
The geological, geophysical and geohydrological studies we carry out are supported by different technologies, in order to detect areas of interest in the subsoil and define exploration well designs.
The electromechanical projects and works carried out by our company have the mission to satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers, offering services under the strictest quality policies.
The projects carried out by our company have the mission to satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers, offering services under the strictest quality policies.
Enger Solutions
We are your best choice delivering success in every project .
About Us
In Enger Solutions we express our interest in being part of your projects. We are a mexican company formed by a group of professionals with more than 15 years of experience in the area of Engineering.
Take advantage of market opportunities and solve the needs of our customers in a competitive and creative way, managing, designing, building and controlling projects.
Enger Solutions will be recognized as a reliable, organized, innovative and competitive company that meets the expectations of its external and internal customers.
Honesty and Responsability.
Our organization is proud to have the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification, thus guaranteeing excellence in our processes and a constant commitment to quality.
Authorized Distributor
At Enger Solutions, we are happy to be authorized distributors of Atlas Copco, a leading brand in industrial tools. This partnership allows us to offer high quality products and cutting-edge technology to our customers.
Some of the work done along the Lifetime of Enger Solutions.
EGR SKID Trasvase
Thank you for trusting us!
UATUniversidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
PEMEX Petróleos Mexicanos
ALDESA Grupo Aldesa
COMIMSACorporación Mexicana de Investigación en Material, S.A. de C.V.
Coahuila Gobierno del Estado
CONAGUA Comisión Nacional del Agua
OHLObrascon, Huarte y Lain
Nuevo León Instituto del Agua
Sulzer Sulzer Ltd.
FlowServeFlowserve Corporation
ICO Infratructura, Construcción y Obra
CFE Comisión Federal de Electricidad
CERREY Una Empresa del Grupo HERMES
HCM Hazard Control de México
Agua y Drenaje Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey I.P.D.
Grupo TresB Grupo Tresb de México, S.A. de C.V.
Contact Us
Head Address:
Taltivio #6156-A, Valle de Infonavit 4to sector
64350 Monterrey
Nuevo Leon